Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial
Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial
Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial
Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial
Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial
Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial

Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial

  • Entrega estimada:Feb 20 - Feb 24

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Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial

Sanendi semaglutide 1ml*1vial

Descrição do produto

Semaglutide – What is it?

In simple terms, Semaglutide, Wegovy or Ozempic improve insulin resistance. This allows calories and fat to be burned, while improving energy. Semaglutide is peptide that works by mimicking a hormone called glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), which targets an area of ​​the brain that regulates appetite and food intake. By controlling blood sugar spikes and lowering blood sugar, as well as reducing appetite and cravings energy levels are more consistent. Semaglutide is administered by a subcutaneous injection, commonly dosed once weekly. Dosing may be increased after one month if needed.

Is it Safe? Does It Work?

The safety and effectiveness of Semaglutide have been studied in four 68-week trials. Three were randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled (including 16-week dose escalation) and one was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled withdrawal study in which patients receiving Semaglutide continued treatment or switched to placebo. In the four studies, more than 2,600 patients received Semaglutide for up to 68 weeks and more than 1,500 patients received a placebo. Semaglutide trial results showed overweight or obese adults receiving weekly semaglutide had a medium weight loss of 14.9% at 68 weeks. In this same study, nearly 70% of participants were able to achieve a 10% weight loss threshold by taking semaglutide. And 32% of participants lost at least 20% of their initial weight.

In other terms, 1 of 3 patients lose 20% of their body weight with the program. Another 1 in 2 lose 15% of their Body Weight! On average, Semaglutide alone can assist in losing 2-4 pounds a week.

Bottom line is— everyone agrees this therapy works wonders for weight loss!

What Are The Benefits?

  • Real Weight Loss results of up to 2-4 pounds per week
  • Powerful appetite suppressant
  • Improves Insulin resistance, Burns Fat and Boosts Energy
  • Safe & Effective Once Weekly Injection
  • Used in combination with Brandon Medical Centers weight loss program for a High Success Rate
  • FDA Approved for Weight Loss